After two months of siege, the last Royalist stronghold of the First English Civil War - the homestead of the Marquis of Winchester, fell to the Parliamentarians.
In the dawn light of the 14th of October 1645, The New Model Army, under the command of
Lt Gen Oliver Cromwell, attacked, slaughterd and were allowed to loot the stronghold.
Quite contrary it seems, to the the order he gave to his troops sometime before - any man using violence against civillians, including stealing - would be hanged.
Encircled by 4ooo men and attacked by some 3000 the Bastion stood little chance. At the end of the day, out of the 400 valiant defenders, there were but 200 maltreated and miserable souls left alive. 74 of which perished in the 'accidental' fire that engulfed the ruins later.
I have however, decided to portray my two 'Roundheads' in a more passive scenario here - 'Disscusing Ordinance' as it were. You will notice the Musketeer enjoying a smoke (a bit too close for comfort ?) as the dismounted Cavalryman offers him up one of his 'bomb's' or grenades. Cavalrymen often took part in the final assaults of sieges, not only because of their higher moral and better armour, but also to 'justify' their share of the plunder.
Both figures are from Airfix (54mm multipose) reworked for the vignette. The resin base I've had so long in my 'lager', that I cannot remember where it came from. If anyone recognises it then please drop me a line ...
As a footnote, I would like to leave you with the family motto of the Marquis of Winchester: 'Aymez Loyaulté' ('Love Loyalty') ...
But, at what a cost !!
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Stage 2:
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